SW Florida Journal (January/February 2022)

A slooooow start to 2022 after perhaps one too many champagne toasts around the firepit under a moonless sky. The stars were twinkling for all they’re worth, though.
A day of recovery, and I’m good to go. Headed out for a sunrise walk on the beach. Dazzling dawn of a new year.
Has anyone noticed the lighthouse beacon is now a steady light, when it used to blink on and off?
When will people learn? Those inflatable lawn decorations just don’t work in breezy Southwest Florida. Plenty of flattened, tattered Santas lying by the side of the road in a post-holiday apocalypse.
Did someone say steamed shrimp? Downtown Fort Myers is hosting a sumptuous spread of seafood this weekend, along with live music. Let’s go!
How lucky are we to live where the shrimp comes fresh off the boat every single day?
M is in total dream mode. We’re headed to the Naples Boat Show to check out the latest and greatest floating machines.
Speaking of floating machines, our tried-and-true Grady White may be basic but it’s still up to the task of cruising around beautiful Pine Island Sound.
Beware of gators in the canals, however. One came right over the transom as J was cleaning up the boat. We have the claw marks to prove it.
Thank you, Valentine, for my dark chocolate with sea salt—my very extra special favorite.
How many seafood festivals are too many? Well, there’s always room for the granddaddy of them all in Everglades City. Especially when it involves stone crabs.
It seems like I just blinked and the whole of South Florida is packed with northerners once again. Time for us to hibernate.
I’m coming out of hibernation today to whack the ball around the tennis court. We tennis players have to defend our turf or the pickleballers will take over the world.
OK, I admit I like pickleball too. Let’s just not get our court lines mixed up.
We are headed into the height of season. A little pranayama will help. Let’s everybody remember to take a deep breath and relax.